Good. God. I loved this movie. My roommate and I were joking around this weekend about how tired the “Two thumbs up” or “Way up” ratings have become. How I wanted to create a new one that was: “If I had a third thumb I'd put that one up, too.” Now I get to use it. Ok, ok. I know I’m not a credible movie critic. But I am a pop culturally saturated, urban dwelling, twenty-something, Batman alum who fancies herself filmhip enough to objectively comment. And I can appreciate styling inspired by Pete Doherty, yummy Christian Bale, and subtle graffiti wordplays changing laughter to slaughter in the middle of a bazooka filled chase scene. It was like the movie kept trumping itself. After it trumped all other Batman movies' comparably pithy performances (the trailer alone did that), it trumped audience expectations, then critics, then God’s, until it was just trumping itself. Seriously. Like, scene-trumping. It out-did itself. One explosion better than the next, one menacing cackle better than the last, semi-flipping, mind blowing, jaw dropping, eyes wide open (except for that part where the dude gets his face slammed into a pencil), two thumbs up. Way up. If I had a third one I’d put that up, too.
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