Wednesday, April 29, 2009


This site gives me the same feeling looking at it that I had when I sat on this one Santa's lap who smelled like whiskey and body odor and talked so uncomfortably close my dad had to interrupt our session. It gives me, in the words of homosexuals and moms, "the willies."

It looks how any site looks when someone first discovers basic html and uses every possible color and rotating graphic they can fit into one clickable link. But in a way, it's dark and rather disturbing, like you're looking at something you shouldn't–I know it's just a site. I even tried to download some of the MP3s but it froze my computer because it has Satan as a moderator.

Anyway, click if you dare. The same curiosity that makes you stare at someone getting pulled from a flaming vehicle will make you do it.

Check out their Demands page, too. "Free the creator of from jail." Or what? Our avatars will never see the light of day again?

I should stop mocking, I think my hair is falling out.

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